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Select Projects

"Elaine's professionalism and dedication instilled a new vision for Lesotho’s creative industry while bringing tangible results. For the first time artisans are experiencing actual growth and access to international markets. It has been very exciting to witness."

     - Thabo Leanya, Acting Director of Culture, Lesotho Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (MTEC)

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Team Leader, USAID West Africa Trade Hub, 2009 - 2013   West Africa Regional Program, CARANA Corp 


Focussing on international trade we helped build the capacity of West Africans to compete in the global marketplace. Developed a variety of training and coaching initiatives as well as an aggressive marketing campaign that included international trade shows, extensive buyer tours, and pro-active web marketing.  Generated ongoing and scalable sales of many containers a year plus millions of dollars in small scale exports. â€‹

"Elaine is one of the most creative and entrepreneurial people with whom I have had the pleasure of working. Her design talent, combined with her energy and sense for what works in a commercial environment is unmatched." 
                       Nate Van Dusen, Vice President for Africa, CARANA Corp
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Deputy Chief of Party, Morocco   2012-2013

Millennium Challenge Grant, Carana Corp.


Brought in to manage final phase of artisanal market promotion project to overcome misaligned strategies and expectations.  Introduced efficient management tools to achieve results in the final phase of the program.  Managed Moroccan pavilions at 12 global trade shows, in New York, Tokyo, San Francisco, Atlanta, High Point,  and others (Awarded best booth design in Atlanta).

 Orchestrated many international buyer tours to Morocco resulting in sales and buyer relationship ongong to present time.


"Mid-way through our Moroccan artisanal project Elaine came in with her vast technical knowledge, strong leadership and management skills and turned the project around to achieve complex results under very tight deadlines and limited resources." 

  Laura Busch, Manager, Morocco Artisan Promotion Project, CARANA Corp.


Handcrafts Program Lead   2018-2019

PEPZambia, Nathans Associates London, DFID

Led the crafts industry empowerment initiative in Zambia. Working with many artisan entrepreneurs, created marketable collections, generated B2B relationships, and led export readiness training and mentoring. Market linkage activities included many professional buyer missions to Zambia resulting in extensive ongoing, scalable international sales.


Authored the Handicrafts Export Guide for Zambia, published 2019, 115 pages​

"Elaine was the perfect choice for the PEP Zambia crafts initiative. Her Professional advice and judgement has proven to be spot on, and her dedication and hard work went beyond anything we could ask for."        James Blewett, PEPZ Team Leader      


Team Leader, Technical Barriers to Trade Research Ghana & Sierra Leone  PBLH & EU Commission 2016-17


Led research team to report on technical barriers to trade impacting the handicraft value-chain in Ghana and Sierra Leone.  Written and web reporting. Issues addressed included intellectual property protection, trademarks, standards and certifications as well as market-driven barriers such as quality assurance and on-trend product design. 

"Elaine’s passion for this work, her high level of professionalism and her vast experience and knowledge base of the handicraft value-chain has been inspiring for myself and our team of experts."    Silvia Schiavon, Project Manager PBLH


Value Chain Senior Advisor, Iraq   2019-2020

Prosperity Catalyst/US Dept. of State


Developed and led a program to build local artisan capacity – product design and development geared to international markets, increasing production efficiency, entrepreneurship development, sector-wide collaboration, and increasing business acumen and leadership. Developed strategies, trainings and work-plans. â€‹

"Elaine's skills and rich experience in the artisan field have greatly enhanced our approach to identifying artisan skills. We are looking forward to our continuing collaboration."

     - Catherine Gibbons, Executive Director


Senior Advisor Creative Industries Empowerment Program of Lesotho  2014-2016

The World Bank & Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture


In collaboration with the Ministry designed this comprehensive handicraft program, setting a viable and strategic agenda that included training modules and coaching program.  Aggressive market linkage activities resulted in scalable sample orders from international buyers of $100K in the first year where there were no previous exports and little activity in the sector. Sales continue today.

"Elaine's professionalism and dedication instilled a new vision for Lesotho’s creative industry while bringing tangible results. For the first time artisans are experiencing actual growth and access to international markets. It has been very exciting to witness." 

​-Thabo Leanya, Acting Director of Culture, Lesotho Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (MTEC)

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Created Export Guides & Training Workshops

Morocco & Tunisia, U.S. Dept. of Commerce.  2017-19


Co-authored Guide Practique d’Export de l’Artisanat Tunisien vers les Ëtats-Unis  (Handicraft Export Guide for Tunisia) and an export guide for Morocco.  Designed and implemented numerous regional training workshops, liaised with local governments and NGOs.  Orchestrated US wholesale buyer missions to Tunisia and Morocco and drafted stratagies for Handicraft Ministries to increase international buyer attendance at national tradeshows. 

"Elaine co-authored our Handicraft Export Guide, her writing is clear and concise. She was mobbed by throngs of participants at our workshops demonstrating how deeply she resonates with entrepreneurs. Her works is incredibly impactful!"      

                - Marianne McManus, Senior Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce

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